Each approach is tailored to the individual business...

With over 20 years development and application in a multitude of industries: Defence, Insurance, Banking, Utilities & Manufacturing, with International and FTSE 100 companies.

Defence Contractor

Problem: Bottom Quartile performance in Ministry of Defence Key Supplier League Table.

Result: Thorough definition of Customer Purpose, Measures and Methods, achieved Top Quartile performance by next publication of League Table.

Home Insurer

Problem: Home Insurance Claims effectively managed by the Customer, not the Business.

Result: Design and Delivery of a new Operating Model , based on Individual Claim Ownership, improved NPS, reduced complaints and saved £3m of cost.

Commercial Bank

Problem: £100m worth of Short Term Business Loans were overdue and unpaid.

Result: Establishing the Root Cause , of overdue loans, and analysing the top 20% of causes - a new process for Renewals reduced the exposure by £50m.


Problem: Only 30% of Customers were getting their demand dealt with first contact.

Result: Coaching of Senior Leaders, understanding Customer Purpose and adjusting the Methods of handling Demand increased NPS 11-fold, whilst also reducing operational effort.

Credit Card Provider

Problem: New Client onboarding taking 60 days to complete 4 days of work.

Result: Through Huddle Boards and visibility of WIP; improved productivity by 70% and time-to-complete by 20%

Social Housing

Problem: Home repairs taking too long to resolve.

Result: Studying the end-to-end Value Stream and understanding Demand increased productivity by 11%.